Sunday, March 25, 2012

Striper Flowers

First Peepers. Now these. Stripers soon.
They could also be called Early Black Stonefly flowers or Hendrickson flowers. Spring fishing is here or will be soon.


  1. I spoke with a number of stripers last night and they agree; the forsythia is correct.

    1. Good to know. I'll have to start hanging around the wrong neighborhoods after dark.

  2. Here on the Vineyard where there Re no strippers... We had been counting two more moons til the Stripers return. But, since rumor has them sighted in Connecticut and Rhode Island, some of us have been counting the daze (or nights).

    I have spring fever and the jones to fish!

    1. For a spring that has been so mild I have fished precious little. Of course, last night when I could have found some time to fish it was 45 degrees and the wind was gusting 30-40 mph. Well, at least I got the new curtain rods hung.
