Saturday, December 31, 2016

Salmon River Steelhead

The steelhead fishing up in Pulaski can be challenging, especially for the novice. Those who have success often find it's feast of famine, but that is some of what keeps folks coming back, year after year.

Recently, long time steelhead and salmon anglers have been more often heard to pine for the good old days. While anglers are used to hearing stories about how the angling was better yesterday, last week, or forty years ago, sometimes there is more truth in these yarns than may first be apparent.

At the foot of bridge at Altmar, one can find Malinda's Fly and Tackle Shop. Malinda Barna is the owner and she has been a keen observer of the fishery for many years. Malinda recently posted her thoughts on why the fishery has fared poorly (there's some science involved) and what can be done to improve the angling.

Note that she's not going to recommend ways that the chinook and king runs can be made better, she's taking the big picture view about what anglers want (to catch fish) and how to make it better (make more fish available for catching). I've two posted links below to the same article. The Vedavoo piece has some commentary that has not been my experience, but that does illustrate a condition I've heard from others.

Take a read. Share your thoughts. Act.

Thanks to the Amberjack Journal and Vedavoo for posting her article.

Additional Info (Thanks Tony B. and Bob S. for bringing this to my attention)

Invasion of the Great Lakes: Quagga mussels least known, most dangerous invader

NY State DEC Annual Reports for last few years (read the highlight reports ...especially 2012 she refers to)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

No Pear Tree

It's fly tying time of the year, though I am going to get out and scout a small stream in a bit. Despite it being well below freezing I can't help but be outdoors when the possibility of catching a trout exists.

One material I love to use on flies is partridge. I'm always looking for patterns to add it to and tips for using this versatile material. I recently stumbled on the video below. It's the basics of using partridge. While I think I've got these covered, I wish I had these tips when I first started tying. So, if you're new to soft hackles, give it a quick watch. Not only are these tips good for partridge, but the techniques can also be used with other soft hackle materials (e.g. starling).

One place where I disagree with the video is on packaged/strung partridge feather. Don't buy it. For $3 you'll get a package containing two useful feathers plus two ounces of useless fluff. I recommend buying a skin for about $30. It will last you years. If anyone knows of a supplier of strung partridge that is any good, please share.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Driving Song

 "That song from middle school pops up and you suddenly remember awkward interactions, and for a fleeting moment recall things that weighed so heavily but today seem so ridiculous and unnecessary. As you grow older the fears that creep in are totally different -- getting fat, going bald, kyphosis. Worse, the realization that we aren't actually immortal."

That's Pete McDonald from the latest Drake. Get you some Drake. It's worth it.

Now I have to go figure out if I have kyphosis.